Friday, October 10, 2008

Beauty of Language and The Capacity of Human Evil.

Untitled, Mixed Media on Canvas, 2008.

It's a little late, but I wanted to post up my latest painting- it's yet to be titled, haven't quite found an appropriate name. What began an exploration in color and calligraphic style ended as a study of my painting technique, as well as developing an evolving style. The image above shows the beginning phases of my painting-- I had just finished reading a book on Islamic calligraphy. I did not want to be disrespectful towards this magnificent style of writing, so I imitated the style to a certain [if lesser] degree, hopefully not actually writing something, I hope! Around this time, I had begun reading on [check blog title] the capacity of human evil... It completely influenced me in this unknown way, I just painted until I got frustrated. I don't have an image to document my frustration, but trust me-- it was quite horrifying.

After many failed attempts at completing my work, it is finally done!

As always, critiques always welcome.
Kimchurry, any thoughts?
Until then,
The Gomez is out.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Finals, Sketches, and WIPs (Works in Progress)

It's been quite a while!
...However, I've compiled some completed works and others I have yet to finish...and doodles, because they are so [much] more interesting [most of the time]. Click on the images, or open them in new tabs to enlarge.

Sketch, 2008.

I love environments that seem to be too busy- I've yet to find an actual place that feels like this, but once I do..I'll have to stop and draw it..Until then, I live to create spaces that have no sense but convey many ideas.

Global Marshall Plan Illustration, for Tikkun Magazine. Mixed Media on watercolor paper. 2008.

The Global Marshall Plan, also known as the "Strategy of Generosity" is based on:
"reestablish trust and hope among the peoples of the world so that we might begin to reflect and act coherently on ending world poverty in our lifetimes and saving the global environment from the almost certain destruction it faces unless we reverse our policies and give highest priority to protecting the earth. Instead of asking 'what serves the interests of American economic and political geo-power best?' we want a foreign policy that asks 'What best serves all the people on this planet and best serves the survival of the planet itself?' " (Network of Spiritual Progressives)

Untitled. Plaster & Acrylic. 2008

A basic exploration of the color wheel, I loved this project.

Shh, It is Hand-Made. Mixed media on paper. 2008

I love to do labor-intensive, detailed work. I love being focused on one area and detailing until there is no more to work on, ha. Its title is not to demonstrate that it is "photo-realistic" [I don't quite agree with those who say it is], but rather an inside joke between the professor and I with my wonky use of ellipses in regards to the candleholder. Most people can not tell, but the trained eye can easily spot my flaw- however, since the candleholder was hand-made, I gravitated toward that excuse...

Fullerton College, 300 Building. Ink on Vellum. 2008.

As Fullerton College approaches its (75th? 100th?) anniversary providing a great education, I'd like to eventually make a copy of the original and maybe add some color. They might actually take it in, no?

That is all for now, I'll have to scan in some life drawing gestures [always fun] and more doodles.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Friday, August 08, 2008

La Ultima Despedida (The Final Good-Bye)

Me duele aun el espiritu- déjame decirles que extraño es sentir un dolor tan fuerte por alguien que nunca he visto. Hablo sobre José Medellin y si me hubieran preguntado si algun dia tendria un amigo como el, yo nunca les creeria.

Pero ya me conocen por mi vida loca-- pasaria algo no muy comun.

Empeze mi conversacion con José en principios de Enero y fui absolutamente sorprendida por su inteligencia y humildad- sera que esos 14 años le dejo muchisimo tiempo para arrepentir su crimen.

Si, ya se lo que hizo a las victimas fue espeluznante, pero es igual de desesperante sabiendo que hemos recurrido a la pena de muerte. Esto no es justicia. Me da muchisisma tristeza que Jennifer y Elizabeth nunca les llego la oportunidad de una vida que merecian--y a veces eso me daba mas furia de lo que sufrio José.

Lo bueno es que el esta en un hermoso lugar en donde la gente no lo odia- quiza con unos angeles cantando sobre una cascada verdad, no se como es el tal lugar ..pero si espero que encontro la paz aunque muchos deseaban su sangre. Mi pobre amigo, tanto que llore por ti, cuanto te extrañara tu familia...

Luchare por ti y por todos que estan [o estaban] en tu situacion para ya no tener muertes innecesarias . Esto podra ser mi ultima oportunidad de iniciar algun cambio...

y desde hace unas horas, Heliberto Chi


I'm still hurt- let me tell you how weird it is feeling such a tremendous loss over someone I've never met. I'm talking about José Medellin-- had you asked me in the past if I'd have a friend like him, I would never believe you.

But I'm known to have crazy things happen to me-- not everyday things.

I began my short but meaningful conversation with José at the beginning of January 2008 and I was absolutely surprised by his utter intelligence and humilty- it could be that those 14 years in prison left him more than enough time to think about his actions.

I know that what he did is horrifying, but it is equally frustrating knowing that we as a society resort to the death penalty as a means to bring closure. This is an injustice. It makes me truly sad knowing that Jennifer and Elizabeth never got the opportunity to live the lives that they deserved and many times that made me even more furious.

The good thing is that he [alongside his victims] are in a beautiful place where he is not bothered by people who hate him or insult him- perhaps with angels chanting over a majestic be honest, I can never know how this place is like, but I do hope that he found peace although many yearned for his blood. My dear friend, how much I did cry for you when I found out, your family will miss you always...

I will fight on your behalf and for everyone else who is [or was] in your situation so that we do not suffer the witnessing of unnecessary deaths. This could be my calling to leave a lasting impact here on Earth, and initiate some much needed change in our society...

and now, Heliberto Chi
Rest in Peace

Monday, August 04, 2008

Of Blood, Nationality, and the Right to Life.

As Jose Medellin's execution for the 1993 rape and murder of two girls [alongside 5 other gang-members] looms over the horizon, tomorrow August 5th is a day of closure for some and a loss for others. Unfortunately, Medellin's high-profile case has made it extremely difficult for a stay of execution [as you can tell I am against the death penalty].

Being in close contact with the inmate, I've become interested in the trial itself and what the media has to portray-and I've come to the same [disillusioned] conclusion:

People are stupid- their arguments for supporting Medellin's death sentence is another excuse to push their racist and anti-immigrant agendas.

I ask that you go to Yahoo!, Google, or whatever and type in Jose Medellin- any Texan webnews will have a story on him-- read as you like but pay attention to the "Citizen's Column" AKA the comments. I read over and over on why "Mexico should work harder to close its borders and keep its people away from the U.S." Dozens of people commented on the inmate's "ILLEGAL" status.

I can't help but to think,"WOW people, think beyond his country of origin, and look at the matter at hand!"

Yet they continue spewing hatred and fear-- I am truly disappointed in the American people, no joke, for actually holding such destructive thoughts.If you're going to argue on something so great as someone else's life, make it smart and relevant, not unsubstantiated and so 18th century.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I Love The French.

At least I know they appreciate the arts.

One of my favorite auteurs of all time, Camus he sums up the importance of the arts' impact:

It reads: Without Freedom, No Art; Art lives only on the restraints it imposes itself and dies of all others.
Ah, glory!

Until then, The Gomez is out.