Monday, November 20, 2006

Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story

Openly gay, experimental filmmaker Todd Haynes burst upon the scene two years after his graduation from Brown University with his now-infamous 43-minute cult treasure "Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story" (1987). Seizing upon the inspired gimmick of using Barbie and Ken dolls to sympathetically recount the story of the pop star's death from anorexia, he spent months making miniature dishes, chairs, costumes, Kleenex and Ex-Lax boxes, and Carpenters' records to create the film's intricate, doll-size mise-en-scene. The result was both audacious and accomplished as the dolls seemingly ceased to be dolls leaving the audience weeping for the tragic singer.

Unfortunately, Richard Carpenter's enmity for the film (which made him look like a selfish jerk) led to the serving of a "cease and desist" order in 1989, and despite the director's offer "to only show the film in clinics and schools, with all money going to the Karen Carpenter memorial fund for anorexia research," "Superstar" remains buried, one of the few films in modern America that cannot be seen by the general public.

Now finally you have a chance to see this piece.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Eight Months...

Eight months exactly to this day...I decided to look at some old posts, and see how much I've changed.

I've got updates too.

Well, you you remember reading way back when, I no longer have feelings for Tom*, nor have I really spoken to him since the end of classes. I saw him once or twice, and his immense love for his super nice girlfriend was something that I could do nothing but admire.

I envy her, I really do. Not for having Tom, but rather the fact that he loves her so much.

I'd love to love like that, and to be loved like that.

Like you, I am rolling my eyes at this moment! ah...

So yeah, Tom is out of my life---everything is just about the same.
"Coeurs Au Chocolat, Quel qu'un?"
Until then, The Gomez is out.

Twenty-Four Hour Lipstick and Whatnot.

Before you head out to purchase your favorite tube of long-lasting lipstick- Buyer Beware.

We all have grown fond of our long-lasting, million-minute lipstick. Resistant to kisses, drinks, foods, et cetera...However, according to a recent study from Doctor Nahid Neman [Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto] reports that long-lasting lipstick contains a significant amount of lead.

I do not want to spread false information, but if my understanding is correct, the longer the lipstick lasts, the higher content of lead. Of course, lead in this form causes cancer. Therefore, the higher the lead content, the greater the chance of causing cancer.

You would think that you'd boycott the cheapy, no-name brands, for overlooking such a dangerous substance? Well, I suggest you save yourself some big-time money and start looking for lip stick at your local drug store, for it was the big-name brands that had the highest concentration of lead. The study also suggests that the lead is closely linked to breast cancer.

Some lipstick brands [of which you will recognize] that have lead content are as follows.

1. Yves Saint Laurent- YSL
2. Christian Dior
3. Lancôme
4. Clinique
5. Estée Lauder
6. Shiseido
7. Red Earth [Lip gloss]
8. Chanel [Lip conditioner]

Out of these 8, Yves Saint Laurent's brand was found to have the highest concentration of lead. The things we do and buy to attain picture-perfect looks...

----Beauty Kills----

...and how to find out if your favorite lipstick has lead? Put some lipstick on your hand. Using a gold ring to scratch on the lipstick, if the color starts to turn black, you've got a winner-err.... lead-based lipstick. Sad to say, but if you are as health-conscious as myself and have no desire to get cancer, I highly suggest you throw that lip stick out, find a similar color and apply more often.
I know we sacrifice many things out fo convenience, but when you're overall well-being is at stake? I'd much rather apply the lipstick 10 times a day, rather than deal with cancer in the future.
With that said, it is always up toy ou what you do with your own body.
The Gomez is out.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Letter to the PreZ.

Dear Mr. President,
It is a disgrace that your country faces a moral dispute. I speak for those who have no voice, risking their lives in order to give their loved ones a future they never lived. The new, young children of these immigrants began their lives in a foreign country, completely unaware of their lack of identity. Like them, I've learned your language & history, implemented your values, and learned to love this country- yet we've maintained our unique cultural identity, for your country was founded on the blood and suffering of many different peoples. As children we assumed rights just like everyone else. Early on, we learned that all people are equal, especially in your country. Land of the Free...However, to find at that [no] we are different and lack rights only disheartens us. It angers us how we suddenly lost our identity, and during these few months, we suddenly became inferior criminals. I am unprepared to go through a hiatus in my education, just because your country and its people refuse to accept me. After years of an effortless attempt to fit in a country we call our own, we find ourselves crawling back to associate with a society that seems to turn its back on us. It is indisputable that we always contributed to the well-being and culture of our second homeland.
Centuries ago, your ancestors came to this land full of promises and hope for change. The new generation of immigrants deserve that same desire to succeed.
This country will never live up to is name if you allow such hatred and racism to proliferate your people against those who years [ and might I add, DESERVE] a second chance.
The New American Immigrant.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oi, Immigration.

Yea, it definitely is a racist issue. I read in some newspaper that cops would start detaining people according to their appearances. I mean, the odd are in my favor, I don't look Mexican...but how about all the countless American citizen indigenous-looking Mexicans? Must they face countless episodes of po-po intervention?
This is ridiculous.

I am out of here! ...and to France!

...or England...

point being, I am so sick of living in a place where I've no rights whatsoever!!!

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New and Improved [to be continued].

Yes, yes. I know. I have not posted anything up for a while. I have been way too busy to even come up with anything clever. I have yet to come up with something cheesy and thought provoking, so I thought I would post up some not-quite-finished-paintings. One original, and one not-so...I hope ya'll enjoy.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

[My own painting, taken from Caravaggio's great "Flagellation of Christ". 2006]

[detail of my father's portrait. 2006]

Monday, May 01, 2006

You're really awful!

I hate you! Whoever you are.
How dare you send me such terrifying and tragic pictures.
...I did not expect to see XXXX's lifeless body.
You are cruel beyond words!
...and you disrespect the dead!
I am still in shock that I received her pictures in my e-mail.
In pieces, I was bawling in front of the computer.
Lame, I am- but my heart sank- she was my friend, and you knew that~

until then, The Gomez is out. I need a tissue.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Plain Ole Day.

[Escuela Hispana en el Condado de Orange. Fullerton, CA.2006]

I received my test scores. Pathetic. I think I should've actually studied. I feel like an idiot because I did STUPID MISTAKES! Dumb math.
I had a pleasant ride on the bus today though, I wasn't harassed too much or felt degraded by the Lollipop gang [that story to come soon].

Great, I just discovered that my little sister has just dedicated a spider to me. The little creature's name is Carla.
She HATES spiders.
I guess now I know how she feels about me- this is just as bad as when she comes up to you and sneezes at your face, releasing her disgusting mucous upon your make-up [as is always my case].
I don't know why the hell she does that.
It must be her autistic-silent boyfriend, for they share a common bond of silence.
Ah, children- please God, don't curse me with a batch of my own.
But I do like taking pictures of unsuspecting people on the bus.

'Cept for that guy on the left who did not want his picture taken- my stealth skills are alright.

Until then, The Gomez is out.
Oh, have I said how MUCH I hate Bendy buses??? ugh.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


They're the reason why I haven't posted anything juicy as of late. So 'til i finish up on these exams/projects- the posts will be menial.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Golden Spoon:Delicacy.

I finally got to hang out with my cousin today. She had to run a few errands, and she took this opportunity to have me go along with her. It was nice. I miss those good ole days. We went around, and we both have been craving Golden Spoon for the longest time.
It is some of the best frozen yogurt I've had in ages.

Doesn't it look marvelous? It felt even better as the delicious taste of vanilla and boysenberry [yum] melted in my mouth. Ok, almost too sexual. Haha.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Photography Gone Wrong [but cool].

Today, I was going to take pictures of my horrendous koi pond, so I could share with the whole world the horror on L.A. ponds. The pictures were really ugly, but I did not get the desired effect- so I will not be posting those.
The koi pond is set in front of my brother's place, so I decided to play spy and take pictures of him and his girlfriend in action.
That means he is playing Warcraft and she is sorting her Mary Kay stock, you sickos.
Since I know I am building up tension [not] here are the pictures:

The pictures look they're Photoshop-ed, but without Photoshop. Fantabulous.

Maybe I should be doing work like this.
Like my shirt??? It's from London :)

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Monday, April 17, 2006

It Sounds like a Good Plan.

You would never expect it. I think I will move to London and open a Mexican restaurant.

Possitudely [Positive + Absolutely] Genius.

Gotta get those Londoners accustomed to spicy, good food. I little bird told me that people over there are all about "ethnic" food. What could be more ethnic than Mexican?! Come on.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Friday, April 14, 2006

El Papichis.

Mon Pere [Incomplete. 2006]

Mon Pere,detail. [Incomplete, 2006.]

I have progressed alittle more on my father's portrait.
I hate it when I get worked up about a piece of mine and then it'll go through a LONG period of nothingness.
Bad artist's habit. Ugh.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Not a Perk.

I really can not stand living in a religious household. Right now, I'm having to go through a stupid fast because God-knows-what is today.
I just want to dig into the shrimp....but my ole lady practically lives in the kitchen.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


How can this be?!
I didn't know the Routemasters cease to exist!!!

No!!!!!!!! How am I supposed to have fun now!?!?!?!?!?


fuming..................THE GOMEZ IS FUMING!

Canvas Backs.

...are a really fun surface to entertain and express yourself, especially when you are sitting in a four-hour painting class. These doodlies are from high school [oh, so nostalgic] but i think I should get back to moving forward- I just haven't made a lot of noteworthy work as of late, because of Caw-lej and all the shit that goes along with a shitty school.
Anywho, yes the picture is small, but that is why you click on SHOULD work.
Until then, The Gomez is out.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I've Got Problems

...with blogger right now! I have posted like two other posts, and they won't show up. I bet this one won't either.
What the fuck.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Scaley, Raspy...

Disgusting voice-o-mine.

I sound like an elephant with lung cancer.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Oh boy!

Yes, it IS my third post, but if you've read my past entries.. you'll know why I've spent my whole day at home. Anywho, I am excited because my best friend is coming for the week...or three days.


Is she for a surprise...

I have burned a CD with Raghav songs.
He's a Canadian Indian hip hop kid with a flair of classical Indian beats. I like.

I totally love his style. Of dress, I mean.
Until then, The Gomez is out [for sure].

A Fantabulous Idea.

Yesterday marked the official beginning of my spring break. What a fucking joke this is- I begin it with an awful case of allergies. Therefore, I decided to catch up on my blog reading, and I came across a FANTABULOUS [fantastic + fabulous] website. Diamond Geezer is the name, and borough* exploring is his game for one day [out of every three months or so]. That made me want to go explore my own city.

But Rowland Heights??? There really isn't much.
It is not a large city, and all there really is to do is go-karting and going to Asian restaurants GA-Lore! Not that I dislike the food, cos I keep getting fat in the process---but I wish we had some historic buildings or SOMETHING!

See, for the blog above, London is a place of mystery, fun, and history. I LOVED it when I went there for the first time.


Anywho, Rowland Heights is not much of a site. We do have a lot of little plazas that boast overaffluence [Mercedes, BMWs, Vuitton purses, Gucci, etc] and at the same time sell the cheapy, one-dollar trinkets that I love.

Restaurants everywhere.

and one mall where you go if you want to see EVERY FUCKING person from Rowland and neighboring cities.

Oh my goodness, how can I be so stupid.....Rowland Heights isn't even a city! My godm thats right-that is why we borrow all the cops and fire stations, ambulances, etc....and to say that there is not one day that I do not hear that loud siren wailing up and down my busy street.
That is how it is .

I want to move, but at the same time-- I would terribly miss this place.

Until then, The Gomez is out.
*boroughs: the only way I can explain boroughs [in an American perspective] is for example: Los Angeles County- there are parts like the San gabriel valley, Downtown LA, South Central, West Los Angeles, and so forth. Think of communities rather than individual cities or counties.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Nothing, Really. [out of many Nothings]

Poor Paloma remains sick. She is all pale.
I lucked out and got her to smile.

Yes, that is Sully from Monsters Inc.
Boy, I am getting fat.
...I need to lay off Mrs. Kang's cooking- but it's so good. My cheeks are like squirrel status!

Anywho, I made myself a healthy lunch, because for the longest time my mother refused to let me make my own food- but everyone else in the house eats red meat.

I have been trying to get rid of my meat-eating habits for good. So I settle for seafood [I could never let that go!] and tofu.

~ miso soup [yum!]
~ steamed rice with rice seasoning [seaweed and sesame seeds]
~ soy/maggi sauce marinated tofu with green onions and carrots
~ Jazmine tea! [ another yum]

Since I am the only one to actually eat tofu, I find myself eating alone most of the time.


However, it is nice when my sis-in-law is here. We gobble it all up.

Since she isn't here, Mr. Spider will eat the rest.

He's such a fatty. Look at him!

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Two New Projects [in the making].

Dun dun dun dunnn!
You heard right people!
I have been trying to put my new [yay!] sketchbook to good use. I've really been trying to sketch something new for everyday. See, since I do not go to art school, I feel like I am losing my technique...and I've been feeling under the weather for the past few months which equals to zero productivity and creativity.
Back to the sketch, I am apalled by the horrors of war:
I took this image from [ I think......] National Geographic. This young man's scars are a painful and aesthetically unpleasing reminder of the cruelty of mankind. In this instance, I speak of the ongoing wars and genocides all over the world.
It is STILL in the making, as you can tell...but I was so excited that I made something that I had to post it.
Speaking of which...I also have a new painting....IT'S SO NOT DONE!
So, I would appreciate it if you didn't email/comment me on how incomplete it is.
I know it is!
This is my father, yo.
If he finds out that I posted this [incomplete, yikes] piece, I will cease to exist.
...not a bad start right?
Until then, The Gomez is out.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Adventures of Chikin Boy.

Agh, this was done before I realized that Chicken Fil-A had spelled chicken- "chikin"
...and I thought I was being original.

[online sigh]

This is Chikin Boy! A wee little shitlin, three years of age- he finds extreme fun in his chicken suit....ahem...."Chikin" suit. Can't you tell, he has that glow in his eye...
He puts on his chikin helmet. Uh-Oh! He can not see! Oh wee little boy of three, do not trip!

It was inevitable.

...and that was Chikin Boy.

Not much of an adventure.
but I tried, really.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Season's a Changin'.

Ah, I hate daylight savings time. How can some states participate in this and others not? How does that work out.
Ignorant question yes, but a good one to ask nonetheless.
...However, I will say it is a lot nicer now that i can go on my 7 pm walks AND it's still bright outside.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Just a Ramble.

this is an audio post - click to play

Casi Maria.

This is my sketch left untitled. See the sketch on the middle-right, where it looks as if I had little rays of light coming from my hair? Well, due to that one sketch, I was going to due a piece making myself look like the virgin Mary. However, I was in no place to stir up controversy for myself. I had way too much drama from other places.
If I had continued to keep working on the religious piece, I would've made some funky title like "Casi Maria" [almost Mary].
Imagine the drama?
Hm...Well, it just didn't happen. At the same time, my illustration teacher assigned a self-portrait type of work.
Thank goodness I had the sketches above, for I had something to start on: my final piece can be seen here.
Until then, The Gomez is out.

Introducing...Part II

Okey, now for some more sketches from ye old sketchbook:
During my high school years, I was amazed at young girls' dependency on make up, as I myself wore make up evvvvvery day. Even more incredible was how older women looked with and without make up and their insatiable thirst for an unattainable beauty. Yay for wrinkles! This piece was a picture taken from an old close-up painting of a foundation bottle [yes, make-up] that was stolen from my very own locker.
The woman to the right is a willing participant in the beauty race. I exaggerated her sagging face and body. Who could it be? I have no idea- but some people say it resembled my old French teacher. Oh no, I wouldn't do such a thing...
Since I spent a lot of my time on the streets, I became a scavenger for junk. Yes, junk. One time while in Los Angeles, I found a few papers of inexplicable writings. Poems, I suppose- but they made no sense. At the same time, I had this awful crush on a dude who wouldn't even turn to see me [haha] and the poems I found had something to do with love. Oh, I wasn't in love or anything!! ...and yes, its meant to be upside-down, and the writing is not supposed to make sense. At least, it didn't to me. Lets see...
Oh, I also spent a lot of time on the bus...but it wasn't until the last few weeks of high school that the idea of drawing people sleeping dawned upon me. So, here is one of the few sketches I had of sleeping-bus-people. This magical lady is my Lola Camion [Tagalog-Spanish for "Bus grandmother" she asked me to call her that!]
Man, I look back on all these sketches, and they do not seem so amazing as i thought they were way back when...and it's only been less than three years.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Introducing...Part I

My decrepit sketchbook's cover. [click image to enlarge]
Introducing my sketchbook. May that piece of shit rest in piece, because it is evident that it went through some rough handling, haha. That thing is my best friend- holding inside one of my best drawings.[at the time-when I was in high school...] Yes, the stickers do spell out "Good Sex, mmm..." It used to have another one that said "Fuck Love" on the side...but all that remains of those high school days is "_uck"
I have a few sketches to show, so I hope you all enjoy:
A lot of my paintings were life drawing studies- since I took an illustration class for most of my time at high school, my teacher wanted us to perfect drawing from a photograph-
eventually, we got to move on to real-life models [yes, during high school...] The one pictured on the right was from a book- I think probably a few artists will recognize the woman. I know I do, haha. However, it always puzzled me as to why girls couldn't draw dudes and vice versa. I still find myself very confused drawing men, even if they are standing naked in front of me. They always end up looking like women without boobs and angular faces.
Or...could it be that men truly are women with an extension cord, breastless chests, and angular faces? Blah.
I also had an obsession with distorting outrageously beautiful people. For example, Catherine Deneuve [ I am so fucking jealous of her, she's gorgeous AND French]...I had to make her look like she lost 534098 pounds and her eyes expanded to 534098 times their original size. I thought it would've been nice to draw a body- but I just never did it.
The page ended there.
Then, there were the pieces that carried onto amazing canvas works. "La Esencia" [meaning "The Essence" in Spanish] took shape after I had an awful bout of depression [oh, artists.] and and body dysmorphic disorder. I will explain that at another time. Anywho, the sketch came out really well- I put alot of detail into making it good. I will post pictures of the final product once i get it out of storage. I do not go through so much depression now, but I think body dysmorphic disorder is something else to overcome.
It still comes to me at times...especially right now.
As said before, click on the pictures to enlarge.
Until then , The Gomez is out.

Oh My!

Isn't this incredible? I can't believe that another version of the Mona Lisa still hangs in Florence Italy. Titled, "Mater Lacrimosa" she truly looks like she will cry.
April Fool's, dudes.

Did I...

tell you what a great movie "Crash" is?
Yea, I recommend it.

Ok, sorry but I still have no camera- the doodles won't be in for a bit. Maybe on Sunday.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I really really [REALLY] Dislike...

When [at social gatherings] the table behind you is talking all this shit about you.
...and half of those people either don't know you or barely know you.
...and they judge you according to what the stupid gossiping bitches say.
That makes you not only the bitche's accomplice, but narrow minded.

I have learned to not always believe what people say about others, ESPECIALLY when I do not know the person being trashed.

It's just not right.

Michael Brewer's illustration to the right just explains it perfectly without words. People are so blind to believing shit talk, that they just give you ugly looks.

...and you know that they're being idiots.

Last week, I went to an anniversary party, only to experience the worst kind of treatment.

SHIT TALK! UGH! Speak of the Evil Eye, my poor soon-to-be sister-in-law and I had to endure horrific glares from the table behind ours.

Unfortunately, I was consumed with hatred and discomfort, and that did not make sis feel any better.

I feel really awful for that, but UGH!

I just want to say Fuck all of you who had to steep so low as to give ME and my gorgeous sister-in-law fuckugly glares!!!

[I would be angrier...but it just does not look write in print]

Until then, The Gomez is out- and don't talk shit!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


My grandmother leaves for Mexico at midnight. I love her so so so so much. However...


She gave me twenty bucks to buy chocolatito[chocolate for all ya'll non-Spanish speakers].

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Sketch Epiphany

Take one excruciantingly boring class. I have a pen, and MANY an opinion. What do I do? I sketch, of course. I have been doing it for more than a decade [haha, I can say that now] and habits die hard. Sketching got me in trouble all throughout my elementary school years, when I heavily relied on the power of imagination and one good pen. That would not smudge. Of course those pens were hard to come by, but I did not quit sketching. Eventually, the sketches got better, and I transitioned to more realistic drawings...from there, I found myself in an arts high school where I had the amazing chance to perfect my technique.
Years later, I found myself sketching away on my magnificent advertising notebook....not realizing how long I have been sketching. In times of sadness, happiness, retrospect, or just plain normalcy- I relied upon my hands to deliver images that I imagined.
Be it an anti-fast food campaign or an obsession with a Japanese juice-drink mascot, I pledge to have my sketchbook ready and plentiful of fresh drawings for the World to see.
I wonder if they're ready.
I'm ready.
I love how I can not work blogger to organize my pictures in a good, consistent manner.
Ay, tecnologia.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

NO, I don't think so.

As far as my art conscious goes- this is the last straw. I can see how anything can just become art, [as has been the idea for the past decade] but this is ridiculous. A pregnant Britney Spears giving birth on a bear rug is NOT art. It does not really resemble Mrs. Federline [which is the least of my concerns] and well... who would waste their talent on someone who lacks it??? Ironically, this piece is pro-life, and people already construed ultra-opinionated remarks about this piece.
Hell, I don't have the picture of the fucking sculpture. Google it.

Love it or Hate it, I've decided to place myself on the latter party.

What a disgrace to artists.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

V for Victory, not Vendetta.

The protests and walk outs were a success. Thank you to the hundreds of thousands of people for rallying for what could have been a disastrous bill. Late last night, a group of senators passed legislation that would give undocumented immigrants an opportunity to access a legal citizenship.
This is huge.
We are talking about millions of immigrants--they will finally have a chance to raise [not only their native country's flag, but also...] the American flag in pride.
You can find the rest of the article here.

However, this does not mean that the war is over. This is just one small battle we have overcome.
Hang on you guys, people will fight desperately to keep us away from this country.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

Monday, March 27, 2006

It is nationwide.

In the wake of Sensenbrenner's [R-WI] wrath, I am amazed at the power of people to unite for a cause, and raise awareness under one voice. I am talking about the nationwide opposition to Senate Bill HR 4437, meant to implement severe punishments upon undocumented immigrants. Called the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, this bill has nothing to do with anti-terrorism- this is a race issue. An unsparing Sensenbrenner passionately [and fearlessly] dictates on his opposition to immigrants- mind you, this country was founded on IMMIGRANTS. His ancestors are most likely not natives of the United States. I have said this once, and I will say this once again:

If immigrants of times past had the right to start their life anew, don't the immigrants of this generation have an equal opportunity?

According to Sensenbrenner, Jim Gilchrist, and his fascist Minutemen organization, immigrants have no rights nor a voice.

Despite his crumbling approval rating, PreZ Bush finally succumbed to the fact that, YES, undocumented peoples do take jobs that Americans will just not do and that immigrants are a valuable source for the American economy [finally, something smart]. He continued to say that he plans to grant working visas to undocumented immigrants. However, I do find one blistering fault in his new proposal. These 6-year working visas are in no way helpful towards accessing a residency. This is ridiculous. How can you be offering jobs but distancing your very own "employees"?! That is unethical and imposes a great amount of exploitation on undocumented workers. You wouldn't want to post a sign saying "Help Wanted/Back OFF!" at the same, right?
Well PreZ, you better think of a better solution.

Back to the nationwide protests, it brought a tear to my eye that so many people supported the rights of immigrants. These people are fighting for their families, employees, and classmates. The activists certainly do not want their loved ones and friends to leave this country due to a preposterous bill in a coned, white-cloth mask. HR 4437 is fueled by the blood of racist politicians who have nothing better to do than implement fear on those who know no better, which is why I was so relieved to know that so many vehemently oppose this bill. Cities all over rallied to city halls, the media provided little media coverage, and schools walked out [knowing that they faced truancies, multiple-day suspensions, and even losing graduation privileges!] Students walked out of their schools, jumped fences, held their country's flags, walked 20+ miles to Los Angeles, and even walked on the freeways! [highways for everyone else in the U.S.]Out here in Orange County, a boy from Santa Ana was killed [got run over]. His conviction to stand for rights not-quite available cost him his life and God Bless his soul for the power to voice out is amazing.
You know that you yourself know someone who is undocumented. I bet he/she is not a bad person- do they not deserve the same rights and privileges as you?

I'd like to thank the cities all over for this victory in Unity.
Until then, The Gomez is out.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Do Not Watch.

Oh my Gosh, do NOT watch "The Hills have Eyes"

It is so incredibly stupid.

...and predictable.

The bloody scenes were somewhat worthwhile...but not enough when my student-discount-eight-dollars-and-fifty-cents comes into account.

I have not been blogging much lately, and I must apologize- I have been studying for know how that is.

Until then, The Gomez is out.

oh, and I promise better entries for the future.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

To Intervene with Ancient Cultural Functions.

...and once again:
Culture/Parental Presure- 1
Americanism/Rebellion- 0
In what way you ask?
Well, I was talking to my best friend Michi, and she had shocking news.
Her older sister agreed to have an arranged marriage. Her older, will-not-shave-because-she's-a-feminist-pink-converse-wearing-elastica-hearing-must-not-fall-into-typical-northern-Indian-culture sister. This boisterous, rude, [to her sister]outspoken, but clever woman decided to give in to her parent's desires and go along with an arranged marriage.
This turn of events put Michi into a wary state of awareness- her sister had been pressured for years on end to get married- year after year, "You are getting too old to find a suitable husband."
Michi is next on the list of Bachelorettes.
Too bad that she has a [non-Indian] boyfriend, and she has no plans to marry any time soon. AT ALL. In fact, I truly hope her current boyfriend is "the one." He is just perfect for her, they share the same values and he is so fucking cute. Two peas in a pod.
I know that as a student all for cultural preservation, I would encourage Michi to stick to her cultural roots[and her parent's best interests]. However, Michi is an American-and she is well-assimilated into this society that an arranged marriage simply does not make sense. She is too much of a dreamer, dependent of love- so much so that forcing love upon a man who I know she will not find attractive [in any aspect] would crush her emotionally. A Sikh would probably look at me as if I were crazy- but I must argue that the functions of an Indian arranged marriage do not [and will not] suit Michi in any form, and as her best friend, I am partially responsible for her well-being- so all I've got to say is that she is free to marry whomever she wants.
I just hope that she does not feel pressured into the same trap that her sister swore not to fall in years ago.